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Git Shortcuts

On *nix:

Command Description
git init initialize a repository
git add * add all files in a directory
git add . add the whole directory & subdirectories
git rm foo stage the file for deletion (even a file already deleted)
git rm --cached foo stage the file for deletion without deleting it from the file system
git add -u This will stage all the changes in files that are already tracked,
whether deleted or just modified. This helps when you delete multiple files and don't want to stage them individually.
git add -A . will add all changes
git commit -a This will automatically take these changes (and any others) and commit them.
git config -l display configuration for current repo
git log show log of commits
git log -p show log of commits with additional details (diff of files)
'p' stands for patch
git log --stat show log of commits with additional details (diff of files)
git show <COMMIT_ID> displays details of a specific commmit
git diff same as the shell diff -u command for unstaged files. can pass one
file as parameter to only see diffs for that file
git diff --staged same as git diff but for staged files
git add -p display changes before adding and gives option to commit or not
git rm FILENAME stops a file from being tracked by git & removes it from the git directory
git mv OLD_NAME NEW_NAME rename or move a file
git checkout <FILE> restore a file/directory to a previous state (from staging area)
git restore <FILE> restore a file to a previous state (from staging area)
git reset HEAD <FILE> unstage a file by comparing to the current working branch HEAD
git reset -p get git to ask you which changes you want to reset
git commit --amend overwrites the previous commit (e.g. with a new commit message)
NOTE only use on local commits, never on the server
git revert HEAD rollback the last commit in the current branch (HEAD alias)
git revert <COMMIT_ID> roll back / revert the commit with id specified (even if it is not the most recent one)
git branch list branches
git branch <BRANCH_NAME> switch to branch called BRANCH_NAME
git branch -b <BRANCH_NAME> create a branch called BRANCH_NAME and switch to it
git branch -d <BRANCH_NAME> delete branch
git branch -r display remote branches that git is currently tracking
git merge <BRANCH_NAME> merge BRANCH_NAME into the current branch
git merge origin/master this will merge the "master" branch of the "origin" repo (remote repo) into the local branch
git clone <URL> clone a remote repository into a local workspace
git push push commits from your local repo to a remote repo
git pull fetch the newest updates from a remote repository
git fetch copies the commits done in the report repository to the remote branches,
so that we can see what has been committed in those
git remote show origin dispay info about the remote repo
git init --separate-git-dir=/path initialize git repo in the directory specified
can also be used to move the .git directory to another

NOTE: git fetch vs git pull : - git fetch fetches remote updates but doesn't merge - git pull fetches remote updates and merges.

GitHub cli and 2FA

FROM : Using command-line git with GitHub 2FA

Create a Personal Access Token

  • Go to
  • click “Generate new token”.
  • Provide a Token description, i.e. “git @my-linux-laptop”
  • Select scopes. Select “repo” to have full control of private repositories
  • Click “Generate token”


  • do a github push from the cli
  • when asked for username, enter u/n normally
  • instead of the password, paste in the generated token

to avoid having to having to paste the token every time

Do either of:

  • Enable Git credentials cache (recommended)
  • Alternative: Enable Git credentials store (NOTE: this stores the credentials unencrypted in your home directory)
